Version 0.1.0 Status Update

It's been a while since I posted anything regarding the 0.1.0 update. Unfortunately, it's still not done. I've changed my plans for the update and it's gonna take way longer than it otherwise would. Expect the update in a month or two. For now, I've finished these features:

  • The Low-Grade ships are done, along with a modular weapon system, which should allow for easy customization, if the UI for it is made.
  • There's a pause menu now.
  • I fixed the grey areas that appeared on extremely wide screens.
  • I remade part of the spawning system, so it should work better with stations and stuff like that.

I'm working on these:

  • The main menu is being replaced by a hopefully cleaner one.
  • There's a character creation system I'm working on; nothing crazy, just some basic stuff like player names and all.
  • I'm also working on a job system, which will (un)fortunately make the Star Cleaner job irrelevant.
  • There's also a complete remake of the whole core systems being worked on. I'm mostly working on making this one.

I have these features planned for this or the next updates:

  • I want to create a simple police system so attacking your allies has some consequences.
  • I've also wanted to make a world map thing for a while now (since the project started, to be honest). This one will take a while, since I have to figure out how to save the state of a solar sector.
  • There's also a trade/stocks system I want to work on, but it's low priority for now.
  • Upgrades, refueling, etc. will be moved from the recycling station to some other station someday.
  • I want to rebalance the game so that scrap will be essentially useless by the mid-game, and also promote using credits more.
  • Finally, I want to work on a topdown combat system, similar to Heat Signature. This will also make the creation of a custom small arms creator actually worth it, plus it'll make boarding other ships possible.

You can probably understand why the update's taking so long. I want this one to be a big one, and it's unfortunately much more exhausting than the previous updates. I want to publish it before September, as I won't have as much time to work on Star Cleaner by then, because of school. I've also taken a week-long break from developing the game, as things have been quite chaotic lately, both in development and in my private life, but that break's already over, so it shouldn't matter too much. All in all, I'm hoping that the update will be worth the wait in the end. That's all.

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