A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Please note that this is in very early access, and a lot of things are subject to change. There's no guarantee your saves will work in newer versions -- especially after major updates. I know the game's barebones right now, and I'm always looking to make it better, so I'd love to hear any feedback you may have - suggestions, bug reports, anything really. Please also note that you'll probably encounter bugs.


Star Cleaner is a game about cleaning up wreckages after space battles. These battles are all fought by AI controlled ships that, while not very smart, are competent enough to sometimes manage leave the battlefield. The battles usually take place in a randomly generated solar system, and some of the planets can have Anti-Ship Artillery systems in place, which will attack ships from other factions.


  • Semi-random space battles fought by AI combatants
  • Semi-random solar systems
  • An upgrade system for your space vessel
  • Probably other things I don't remember


Star Cleaner 0.0.5 Windows 13 MB
Star Cleaner 0.0.5 Linux 14 MB
Star Cleaner 0.1.0 Unstable Windows 13 MB
Star Cleaner 0.1.0 Unstable Linux 14 MB

Install instructions

Download and unzip the game to a folder, and run the .exe.

Development log

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So, this is kifirer - the creator of this game. I lost access to the original account and now I can't write stuff about the game. I'm planning to remake it completely because the source code is like gone forever and stuff. Anyways, until I'm able to work on it, I've decided to write a story about it. You can find the story and updates about star cleaner and stuff Here.

Looking good!  Eagerly awaiting updates.

Glad you like the game! If you have any suggestions, let me know.